We use React for our client code at Blue Matador. A while ago, I needed to implement a text box for querying log entries (Blue Matador offers a centralized log management solution) and I wanted to highlight certain pieces of the query. Enter Draft.js, Facebook’s rich text editor framework.


I won’t go into the details about what Draft.js is (their website takes care of that), but I ran into a situation where users pasting in log entry data they got out of the viewer into the query box got some weird looking results because of HTML formatting:

Not Ideal

As I looked for a way to get better control over what the pasted values would look like, I ran across a function called handlePastedText in Editor’s props. It turned out to be exactly what I needed, but I couldn’t seem to find any examples of using it. So here’s one I created (with Flow type annotations):

class ControllingEditor extends React.Component {
  render = (): React.Element<*> => {
    return (

  handlePastedText = (text: string, html?: string): boolean => {
    // if they try to paste something they shouldn't let's handle it
    if (text.indexOf('text that should not be pasted') != -1) {

      // we'll add a message for the offending user to the editor state
      const newContent = Modifier.insertText(
        'nice try, chump!'

      // update our state with the new editor content
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

handlePastedText takes two parameters:

Returning true tells Draft.js that you’ve handled the pasted text and it will take no further action. Returning false tells Draft.js to take the action it would have taken if handlePastedText hadn’t been called. It’s a simple mechanism, but gives you a lot of power over pasted content.