I recently started a new project, and since I love Scala, I thought it would be cool to write the whole webapp in the language. Thanks to Scala.js, it seems like this dream will be possible. Github user vmunier already has a great repo that shows how to integrate Play Framework and Scala.js, so I’ll refer you to that if you’re looking to get started.

Scala.js logo

Shortly after starting this project, I needed to use Google’s Javascript API, and therefore also had to find out how to call Javascript from Scala.js. Scala.js’s documentation on the subject explains how to do it, but in order to more fully understand the subject, I decided I would write a more detailed explanation, as well as explain how to pass messages to the Javascript API. In this post, I will call gapi.auth.authorize as an example, and will be working from Google’s Drive API example.

Here’s what we’re trying to mimic with Scala.js:

    var CLIENT_ID = 'your client id';
    var SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive';

     * Called when the client library is loaded to start the auth flow.
    function OAuthBootstrap() {
      window.setTimeout(checkAuth, 1);

     * Check if the current user has authorized the application.
    function checkAuth() {
          {'client_id': CLIENT_ID, 'scope': SCOPES, 'immediate': true},
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=OAuthBootstrap"></script>

Essentially, when the Google API script is loaded, we tell it to call handleClientLoad, which then calls checkAuth a second later.

The first step to making this work from Scala is to define a Scala binding for the Javascript API. We need to be able to call gapi.auth.authorize. Scala.js defines Javascript objects with traits, so we’ll need the following:

import scala.scalajs.js

 * Scala binding for `gapi`
sealed trait Gapi extends js.Object {
  val auth: Auth = js.native

 * Scala binding for `auth`
sealed trait Auth extends js.Object {
   * Try to authorize through Google OAuth.
   * @param message the message to pass to the api
   * @param callback the callback that will handle the result of the `authorize` call
  def authorize(
      message: Authorize,
      callback: js.Function1[AuthorizeResult, Unit]
  ): Unit = js.native

For now, don’t worry about the types on the authorize method. That will come later. Both of these traits extend js.Object, and, as such, cannot contain values or methods that are not assigned js.native. When compiled to Javascript, Gapi will be a Javascript object that has a value called auth, which in turn is an object that has a function called authorize. However, to make it possible to use these objects in the global scope, we need the following:

import scalajs.js.GlobalScope

package object goog extends GlobalScope {
   * Root binding for the `gapi` object
  val gapi: Gapi = js.native

Having an object that extends GlobalScope will make it so that the members of the object represent global Javascript variables.

Next, we need to define a Scala interface for the messages passed to and from gapi.auth.authorize.

 * An interface the represents the message that is passed to the `gapi.auth.authorize`
 * call.
trait Authorize extends js.Object {
  val client_id: String = js.native
  val scope: String = js.native
  val immediate: Boolean = js.native

 * The companion object to Authorize allows a Javascript object to be created with the values
 * expected by `gapi.auth.authorize`, but tries to maintain type safety for the rest of the
 * Scala codebase.
object Authorize {
   * Create an instance of the Authorize message.
   * @param clientId the client id provided by google
   * @param scope the scope we're requesting permission for
   * @param immediate whether to immediately refresh the token, with no ui shown to the user
   * @return the corresponding Authorize object
  def apply(clientId: String, scope: String, immediate: Boolean): Authorize = {
      client_id = clientId,
      scope = scope,
      immediate = immediate

 * A trait representing the result of a call to `gapi.auth.authorize`
trait AuthorizeResult extends js.Object {
  val error: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.native

Once again, we define Javascript objects with traits. The Authorize trait defines the interface we use in Scala, while the companion object calls on js.Dynamic to create the literal Javascript object that will be used in the browser. In order to maintain the type system in Scala, we cast the dynamic object that gets created to be an instance of Authorize.

AuthorizeResult just defines a Scala interface for the response from gapi.auth.authorize. In the Scala binding for the authorize function, we see that the type of the callback is js.Function1[AuthorizeResult, Unit]. That means it’s a Javascript function that takes one parameter (which conforms to the interface defined by AuthorizeResult) and returns no result.

Finally, it’s time to call the API from Scala!

import goog.gapi
import scala.scalajs.js.timers.setTimeout
import scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport

 * The OAuth object will handle authenticating with OAuth for the Google Drive API.
object OAuth {
  val clientId = "YOUR ID"
  val scopes = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive"

   * This function is first called when the page is first loaded. Tries to get an auth token from
   * Google.
  def checkAuth(): Unit = {
    gapi.auth.authorize(Authorize(clientId, scopes, true), { data: AuthorizeResult =>

 * An object provided solely to bootstrap the oauth authorization process with `gapi.auth.authorize`
object OAuthBootstrap {
  setTimeout(1000) {

The OAuth object is very straight forward. We just call the API as we’ve defined it and provide a callback function that will print out the result. We also provide an OAuthBootstrap object, and export it as OAuthBootstrap (to avoid exporting that package name to Javascript). A call in Javascript to OAuthBootstrap() will result in the body of this object being called. A second later, thanks to setTimeout, we’ll call our Scala OAuth object’s checkAuth method, which will, in turn, call gapi.auth.authorize.

That’s it! We’ve now called a Javascript API from Scala with Scala.js! Pretty cool stuff. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I’ve written anything inaccurate here.


Sébastien made a great suggestion: when defining the Scala binding for Javascript, use the JSName annotation to avoid creating a bunch of traits (and the package object), thus, the code example above would become the following:

import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSName

object Auth extends js.Object {
  def authorize(...): Unit = js.native

Thanks to Sébastien for the help!